• You said, we did

    You said, we did

    Keeping our promises

    Golding Homes is committed to listening to our customers and acting on your feedback.

    Our Performance

You said, we did

We take your feedback through complaints, surveys, and compliments seriously. Our ‘You Said, We Did’ feature details what we've done to improve our services to you over the last year.

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You said, we did January 2022

  • You said:  The Customer Improvement Group (CIG) wanted some questions answered around the building and fire safety work we've been carrying out. 
  • We did:  Our Building Safety team went to the last CIG meeting in December and explained to members the work we’ve been doing over the last year and answered any questions. We'll be holding a regular slot at these CIG meetings to ensure we’re continuously providing updates. 


  • You said: You wanted to see more support and advice available for young parents.
  • We did: We're working with Early Help Officers from Ashford social care to provide a weekly support group for young parents. Every Tuesday, 12 - 1.30pm at Belgic Court, The Limes, Ashford, parents can get support and advice and children will have the opportunity to play and socialise.