Improving Services
Last year, we received more than 1700 responses from our Customer Voice Panel, when we asked for your input on three important strategies .
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feedback. Your contributions helped us define clear priorities, including:
- Investing more in your homes: focusing on affordability, quality, safety, and improving our estates.
- Enhancing customer services: making it easier to deal with us, improving our repairs service, and working more locally to ensure we’re listening.
- Embedding customer engagement: ensuring your views and feedback shape our decisions.
- Understanding your needs better: tailoring our services to meet them.
- Learning from our mistakes: taking action when things go wrong.
What We’ve Achieved Together
We’re now one year into delivering these plan s and you can read more about each one below . We’re proud to share some of the highlights we’ve achieved so far:
- Supporting you to reduce bills: We’ve appointed a new Energy Advisor to offer advice, guidance, and practical help.
- Investing in your homes: Over £18 million * has been spent on planned works so far this year, upgrading kitchens, bathrooms, windows and more, in 2000 of your homes.
- Enhancing safety in our tall buildings: We’ve worked closely with customers in tall buildings to agree safety improvements.
- Improving repairs services: We’ve recruited more staff, reducing repair wait times significantly.
- Answering calls faster: A new telephone system is helping us respond to you more quickly.
- Strengthening local services: New teams are being set up, including an Anti-Social Behaviour Team and a team dedicated to supporting vulnerable customers.
- Tailoring services to your needs: We’ve asked all customers to update important information, launched a Fair Access Policy, and are making our services more inclusive.
- Resolving issues faster: Our new complaints process is helping us resolve problems quickly and learn from feedback.
- Improving perceptions: Your survey responses tell us you’re noticing the positive changes we’re making.
* £ 18m is the figure spent at end of December 2024, by 31 March 2025 we’re on track to invest a total of £25m improving our homes.
You can read more on the progress for each of our three key strategies below.
Looking Ahead: Our Plans for Next Year
We know there’s more to do, and we’ve big plans for the year ahead to deliver improvements which make a lasting difference to customers . In 2025/26 we’re focusing on:
Excellent Customer Services
Listening and acting on your feedback – Engaging more with customers through initiatives like the Big Door Knock where we’ll be out in our neighbourhoods to hear your views
Improve our communication with customers, including enhancing our channels and increasing the digital tools available to help customers easily access information, request services, and share feedback
Faster, better repairs – Bringing some services in-house and reducing failed appointments to improve response times and efficiency
Local and listening neighbourhood support – Enhancing our local offers and improving outcomes for customers through new specialist Antisocial Behaviour and Customer Support teams.
Fair Access to services – continue improving the way we listen to your needs and ensure we tailor our services to meet your needs
How will we know we’re getting it right?
We’ll track key measures like:
How satisfied you are with our services and repairs
How quickly we resolve issues
How well we keep you informed and act on your concerns
Safe Homes and Sustainable Communities
By 2026, we'll have invested £45m into improving homes, ensuring they’re safe, warm, and meet high standards.
This includes:
Upgrading existing homes – over £ 20m investment to improve conditions and energy efficiency in the next year
Ensuring 100% building safety compliance – Meeting all legal safety standards
Making homes warmer and greener – Rolling out the Warm Homes programme to boost energy efficiency
Building new homes – Delivering 142 much-needed, safe, and sustainable homes
We’re also regenerating the Cambridge Crescent area to improve the area and provide more family homes to meet local need
How will we measure success?
The number of homes improved and new homes built
Compliance with safety and energy efficiency standards
How safe and well-maintained you feel your home is (TSM measure)
We’d love to hear your thoughts on our plans and priorities for the coming year. Please share your feedback with us.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Together, we’re making a real difference.