We monitor and record our performance through a variety of methods:
- Financial Statement 2022-2023 [pdf] 3MB - Information detailing our financial strength can be viewed in our latest Financial Statements (year ending 31 March 2023)
- Customer Annual Review 2022-23 - This report highlights our key achievements over the last year, performance and how our money is spent.
- Customer Annual Review video 2021 - 22 - This video looks back at our achievements last year and gives a brief overview of what we've been doing to support our customers.
- ESG-Report-2023.pdf [pdf] 5MB - This report details our ESG performance against the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing for the year ending 31 March 2023.
- Regulatory compliance - the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) reviewed our gradings in November 2023 and has confirmed the following ratings:
Governance - G1. (The provider meets our governance requirements.)
Viability – V2. (The provider meets our viability requirements. It has the financial capacity to deal with a reasonable range of adverse scenarios but needs to manage material risks to ensure continued compliance.) - Value for Money Strategy 2021 - 2024.pdf [pdf] 302KB
- We report quarterly on our performance in a number of key customer service areas. Our latest figures are below:
Homes England Expenditure
Homes England Expenditure over £500 2024-25 Q1.pdf [pdf] 23KB
Homes England Expenditure over £500 2023-24.pdf [pdf] 48KB
Homes England Expenditure over £500 2022-23.pdf [pdf] 105KB
Homes England over £500 for the period 2021-2022.pdf [pdf] 115KB
For the period 2020-2021.pdf [pdf] 123KB
- Housing Ombudsman Self Assessment
You can now read our Housing Ombudsman Self Assessment form - July 23.pdf [pdf] 244KB against the Housing Ombudsman Code.