Renting a garage from Golding Homes

We've got garages for rent in Maidstone and the surrounding villages for those in need of some extra storage space.
See our Garage listings.pdf [pdf] 536KB for garages available.
Although anyone can apply to rent a garage from us, we give priority to Golding Homes customers.
Please read our Garage Licence Agreement.pdf [pdf] 491KB for terms and conditions.
How to apply for a garage
Please fill out this form to apply to rent a garage from us.
Ending your licence agreement
Garages can be rented for short or long term use. If you no longer need your garage, you must give us at least one full week’s written notice and complete our online licence termination form.
The notice periods start on the first Monday after receipt of the termination form, and end on the following Sunday (unless you give a longer notice period).
All keys must be returned to our Head Office by no later than 12pm on the Monday immediately after the termination date. Rent's payable up to the end of the notice period (even if you vacate earlier) and until the keys are returned.
The garage should be left clear of all goods and belongings. If you don't leave the garage clear, you'll be charged for clearance costs.