Golding Connect – keeping in touch with our customers

We’re always looking for ways to improve our service and make it easier for you to reach us. On Wednesday 22 January, we go live with Golding Connect, a brand new a customer contact system that'll change the ways we can communicate with you for the better.
What’s changing?
Most of the work's been going on behind the scenes so, initially, you won’t see anything different.
The current options you hear when you call in will remain the same, as will our number 0300 777 2600, and our opening hours, 8am to 5pm, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and 930am to 5pm on Tuesdays. The technology's new so in the first few days, as our Customer Service Advisors put their training into practice, call responses may take a little longer. Please bear with us and thank you for your understanding.
Why the change?
Golding Connect's an investment in technology to support our commitment to you, our customers; to be efficient, local, visible, and listening. It’s a big step on our fit for the future roadmap which aims to put customers back at the heart of our services, to simplify things for both customers and colleagues and make it easy to interact with us. We’ll continue to work on more improvements, to make sure we’re communicating with you in the most efficient ways. And we'll keep you updated on our progress.
How you can help improve communications
We value your feedback and involvement and want to give customers the opportunity to get involved in the changes we're making. We’re creating a new Digital Influencers group and invite customers, those who feel confident using digital services and, those who find it difficult, for whatever reason, to come and work with us. If you’re interested in joining the group, please email