Purple sunflowers shine a light on abuse

As part of the national campaign ‘16 Days of Action Against Domestic Abuse 2024’, Golding Homes and Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) have joined forces to create the ‘Purple Sunflower Campaign’.
The aim was to create a purple sunflower to depict every one of the 2,956 survivors of domestic abuse, which is sadly the number of Kent Police reports within the Maidstone borough between January 2023 and January 2024.
Steph Goad, Golding Homes Chief Executive said:
“Colleagues from Golding Homes, MBC, community groups and other organisations linked with domestic abuse, as well as customers and local residents, have kindly created a variety of purple sunflowers for our campaign. Some have been done by crochet and knitting (I knitted some myself!), others have been paintings, resins and even tile mosaics. It’s been fantastic to see everyone getting so creative to help raise awareness of such an important issue.
“We’re supporting Kent and Medway End Domestic Abuse #KnowSeeSpeakOut campaign to help raise awareness of domestic abuse in our communities. During the 16 days of action, we’re hoping our purple sunflower campaign will get people talking, understanding what domestic abuse is and where people can get the help and support they need.”
Golding customer Noeleen kindly crafted 50 purple sunflowers for the campaign. She said:
"It's a privilege for me to be able to contribute to Golding Homes’ Purple Sunflower Campaign. Domestic abuse is more than often a hidden crime that goes unpunished leaving lifelong scars, affecting the mental and physical wellness of each and every victim. It’s always been an endless battle for centuries and that’s why this campaign is so important. It's vital to provide solid, trustworthy, understanding and caring support that promotes self-confidence and protection that includes a safe and secure shelter for all victims and their families."
Councillor David Naghi, Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion and Safety at MBC added:
“MBC are very grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this initiative and to be working with Golding Homes to raise awareness of the victims of domestic abuse. Having purple sunflowers to represent victims will create visual symbols of hope around the town.
“There is so much help and advice available to anyone experiencing domestic abuse in Maidstone, we have a drop in One Stop Shop on a Tuesday at Trinity between 9.30am to 11.30am which is available to anyone who needs it.”
The sunflowers are being displayed in The Mall, Maidstone between 25 November to 10 December as part of a series of extraordinary art works to represent seeds of change, aimed at raising awareness and helping put an end to the harm caused by domestic abuse.