Empire Reach

Empire Reach

What are we doing?

We're installing fire prevention measures around service penetrations (eg gas pipes, water, electric) above the ceilings in flats and communal areas. We'll also be completing works around soil pipes, doorframes and some dry riser outlets on the communal landings. These works are being carried out in a rolling programme, so that all homes are complete before we start the next ones.

All customers will be able to remain in their homes while these works take place.

Our fire consultants carried out an external survey of the building on the 27 and 28 October 2021. Based on the findings of this survey we're carrying out works that are needed to your building.

We’ll be posting the latest news for Empire Reach here, so please visit this page to stay up-to-date.

Latest update 16.02.23

All new replacement flat entrance doors have now been completed. Communal redecoration works will be completed over the next 2-3 weeks.

Evacuation plan for Empire Reach

During these works we've had to change the evacuation strategy at Empire Reach from ‘stay put’ to ‘simultaneous evacuation’ and have installed a fire alarm system to support this. If you hear the alarm sound you should leave the building following fire signage to your nearest safe exit – do not use the lifts in event of fire.

The safe muster point is at the promenade to the rear of Empire Reach, accessed by the side pathway. Any muster point must be a safe and clear distance from the building and this location is following guidance supported by the Fire & Rescue Service

Once all required works are complete, we'll remove the fire alarm and revert back to the original ‘stay put’ policy.

What is a Personal Escape Plan?

A Personal Escape Plan is what you would follow in event of a fire in your building. For your own safety, it’s important you and your family all know what to do in the event of a fire. If there's anyone in your household who in the event of an emergency, may not be able to quickly reach a place of safety unaided, or may need additional support in the event of a fire, please email building.safety@goldinghomes.org.uk so that we can work with them to make sure they remain safe.

Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) and EWS1 forms

A fire risk assessment is an inspection of a building and its use, structure and the occupants. It identifies any potential fire safety hazards and risks present and provides recommendations on how those risks can be managed to keep the people living in the building safe.

We’ve been working with a group of engaged customers who live in mid and high rise buildings to make improvements to these FRAs - making them clearer and easier for everyone to understand.

You can view a copy of this new customer friendly Fire Risk Assessment for   Empire Reach 1-40 Empire Reach High Street Chatham Kent ME4 4EN .pdf here.

Your building’s fire risk assessment may include some actions, which we'll complete by the due date stated.

A fire consultancy will be involved throughout the project to ensure an External Wall Survey 1 (EWS1) form will be issued after work is completed. EWS1 forms are required by mortgage lenders.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us via building.safety@goldinghomes.org.uk or call 0300 777 2600 and ask for someone in the Building Safety Team.